Get your Freaking Game On NERDS!

We are happy to launch our new line of Supreme Darkness TCG gear.

Includes a matching set of playmat, Mach 3 deck box, field center and printed card sleeves.

If you want to bundle and save up to 25%, get to now. 

Drop us a comment or email if you would like another character or archetype based on this new Yu-Gi-Oh! release. We'd love to hear from you and our customers know best.

And send us a pic of you at locals with your gear. If we can use the pic, you might get a nice half-off surprise as a thank you. That goes for ANY of your LDB gear in action. We love to see you play. 

So get your freaking game on NERDS! Slide right to these slick Supreme Darkness TCG gear! Make them part of your play now.

Cheers from the team at LDB Duel.